Sustainable Development Report 2018
Health and Safety Performance
Woodside’s health and safety (H&S) performance is essential to our success and growth. We are committed to managing our activities to protect our people and our host communities.
We aim to continuously improve towards the goal of achieving industry-leading health and safety (H&S) performance. In 2018, we achieved a total recordable injury rate (TRIR) of 1.32, just over our target of 1.30.
In response to declining H&S performance in early 2018, we collaborated with our contractors through a leadership forum to develop innovative solutions. In 2019, we continue to progress these solutions including hosting an intensive two-week safety activity with our key contractors to identify ways to prevent injuries.
In 2018, our lost time injury frequency improved by 52%. Our high potential incidents have reduced by 46% and the identification of high potential hazards has improved by 54%.