Local Content
Supply chain and local content
Woodside continues to work with our suppliers across the global supply chain to continuously improve our approach, streamline our processes to make opportunities more accessible and to deliver sustainable outcomes to our communities.
Woodside contributed towards building thriving local communities by creating opportunities for individuals, First Nations peoples and businesses to share in our success. We recognise that the drivers for local content contracting differ across our global
portfolio of projects and operating assets, and we tailor our strategies and processes aiming to maximise supply chain outcomes whilst incorporating local content needs.
We have embedded Local Content reporting tools to capture and understand the impact we are having in our local communities. Our approach to supply chain and local content supports the delivery of the Sustainable Communities Policy,
Human Rights Policy, First Nations Communities Policy and our commitment to First Nations reconciliation.
In 2023, we spent more than US$7.2 billion on goods and services. The majority of the spend being in Australia, Senegal, the United States, Germany and Japan.
Work continued to provide increased visibility to local suppliers of contracting opportunities within our global operations and portfolio of future projects. This included examples like targeted supplier engagement workshops and networking events in conjunction
with the Karratha Chamber of Commerce and our key contractors. This action was in addition to the information made available in our forward work plans.
Our stakeholders continue to advocate for simplified pathways of entry into our supply chain. To support this, contracting processes and approvals have been streamlined to facilitate an increase in participation from local suppliers. The move to an online
Supplier Onboarding tool helped make the onboarding process easier for smaller suppliers.