
Greater Shenzi

Key stats

Field was discovered
First oil and natural gas production

The Shenzi conventional oil and gas field is located approximately 195 km off the coast of Louisiana in the Green Canyon protraction area.

Crude oil produced from the field is transported to connecting pipelines for onward sale to Gulf Coast customers. Natural gas production is transported via a lateral pipeline that is tied into the Cleopatra natural gas pipeline for ultimate transmission onshore to the Neptune processing plant in St. Mary’s Parish, Louisiana.

Shenzi assets

Shenzi dusk - edited

Participating interests

Participant Shenzi 1
Woodside (operator)72%

Shenzi covers lease blocks GC609, GC6610, GC652, GC653, GC654, GC608 and GC609.

Houston Enquiries

+1 713 961 8500

Street Address:

1500 Post Oak Boulevard
Houston TX 77056
United States