Pluto-KGP Interconnector
We took Pluto from discovery in 2005 to first production just seven years later, a demonstration of our world-class LNG capabilities and expertise.
Project capacity LNG (100% of project)
Achieved ready for start up (RFSU)
Pluto-KGP Interconnector
Woodside has constructed a pipeline to transport gas from Pluto LNG to the North West Shelf Project’s Karratha Gas Plant (KGP). The Interconnector is a 3.2 kilometre, 30-inch pipeline which connects Pluto LNG with KGP, constructed along the existing Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline (DBNGP) corridor.
Transporting gas through the Pluto-KGP Interconnector provides opportunities to take advantage of future excess capacity at KGP. It will also provide potential to accelerate future developments of other offshore Pluto gas reserves, as well as third-party resources.
In March 2022, Woodside announced the commercial start-up of the Pluto-KGP Interconnector. The pipeline will accelerate production from the offshore Pluto gas fields and sets KGP up to continue delivering energy to WA and international customers.
The Interconnector was constructed and is operated by Australian Gas Infrastructure Group.

Environmental and heritage
The chosen design and route positions the Pluto-KGP Interconnector to avoid disturbance of protected heritage sites and environmental values. The Interconnector is not expected to increase net emissions from Woodside-operated facilities. We will continue to manage emissions from our facilities and comply with environmental requirements. On 24 May 2019, Commonwealth Department of Energy and Environment (DoEE) issued its referral decision of ‘not a controlled action’, which means no further assessment and approval is required under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. The WA Environmental Protection Authority's (EPA) report and recommendations for the environmental approval application, by DDG Operations Pty Ltd, to construct and operate the pipeline was published on 4 June 2019.
Environmental approvals timeline
In June 2019, the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) recommended environmental approval of the Interconnector, subject to conditions, including the protection of internationally significant Aboriginal rock art.
Referral Nov 2018
Public comment period Nov 2018
EPA Report on assessment June 2019
Federal and State Ministers' decision June 2019

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