Case Study: Integrated Project that is Empowering Communities - PanAfricare

In 2024, Woodside and social investment partner PanAfricare, celebrated further success of the Integrated Project for Environmental Management and Sustainable Asset Development.

Established in 2021, this initiative is bringing positive changes to communities in 13 coastal areas of Dakar and Thies in Senegal. Over the past three years, the program has revitalised communities, empowered women and young people and laid a solid foundation for a future that is more sustainable through its holistic approach to addressing community needs.

The program has introduced sustainable waste management practices, enhancing sanitation and environmental health and women have gained leadership roles through training and support, providing them with economic and social empowerment.

“This program has completely transformed my life,” said Fatou, one of the beneficiaries of the program.

“I never imagined I could read, much less take on a leadership role, but now I feel confident and empowered to make a real difference in my daily life and community.”

Looking forward, the initiative aims to create lasting change in Dakar and Thies, empowering communities for a better future