Human rights
Woodside conducts business in a way that respects the human rights of all people, including our employees, the communities where we are active, and those working within our supply chains.
Woodside conducts business in a way that respects the human rights of all people, including our employees, the communities where we are active, and those working within our supply chains
Our business conduct is informed by the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, which defines the accountabilities of governments in protecting human rights, and of business in respecting human rights.
Our performance1
Our multi-disciplinary Human Rights Working Group met eight times during 2023. This working group reviews existing and potential human rights risks, whilst also sharing trends and lessons learnt.
- This section refers to our performance within a specific time period. Please note that the relevant year, where the activity applies, is stated where appropriate. Where we refer to our activities without reference to a previous calendar year or using present tense, the relevant content may be updated from time to time at our discretion but no reliance should be placed by the reader on this page being up-to-date. We also recommend checking our Announcements page regarding our most recent business activities.
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