Environment and biodiversity

Strong partnerships, sound research and transparency are the key elements of Woodside's approach to the environment.

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A robust and systematic approach to environmental management of our activities, underpinned by credible science, are the key elements of Woodside's approach to the environment

We work to minimise our impacts by integrating environmental management into our activities, including the design, construction, operation and decommissioning of our facilities and support initiatives that aid in the restoration of biodiversity in the regions where we operate.

Our approach

Our approach

The nature of our operations are accompanied by certain environmental impacts and risks. We work to avoid or minimise our impacts by integrating environmental management into our activities.

Our Environment and Biodiversity Policy places a focus on implementing a systematic approach to the management of the impacts and risks of our operating activities on an ongoing basis, including emissions and air quality, discharge and waste management, water management, biodiversity and protected areas.

We aim to achieve this by adopting a risk based approach that allows us to address the environmental impacts and risks associated with our activities in a consistent way. This allows us to focus our effort and resources on the most significant risks associated with our activities no matter where we operate.

We regularly reassess environmental impacts and risks of operations across our global portfolio, at the activity level. This provides the opportunity to incorporate new scientific knowledge and improved environmental impact assessment processes and management approaches with the aim of improving environmental outcomes.

A key mitigation focus is the prevention of hydrocarbon spills. Our hydrocarbon spill preparedness and response framework continue to be a focus across the company’s global portfolio. The approach is underpinned by a comprehensive process informed by international best practice conventions. These require all activities to assess to the marine environment, evaluate surface and subsea response options, and recommend appropriate response techniques. These activity specific plans are supplemented by corporate plans, regional equipment and locally trained resources.

In addition, strong external partnerships with government and non-government organisations to collect and analyse environmental scientific knowledge, underpin our approach to avoiding or minimising our environmental impacts. A focus of the risk-based process is to consider the key values of the environment, such as protected areas, threatened and migratory species, and a component of robust impact assessment is to evaluate activities against the relevant management plans for habitats and species.

More broadly, Woodside recognises the intrinsic value of nature and the importance of conserving biodiversity and ecosystem services to support the sustainable development of our society. Under Woodside’s Environment and Biodiversity Policy we have committed to supporting a biodiversity positive program that has measurable biodiversity positive outcomes in the regions and areas in which we undertake activities. This commitment builds on our ongoing collaborative work with science-based organisations and local communities which contribute to environmental and social outcomes. We continue to scope and implement a range of biodiversity restoration projects in regions in which we operate.

Woodside recognises that methods to measure and certify biodiversity outcomes are still evolving and in 2025 we plan to implement a globally accepted certification standard. We also recognise that there has been an evolution of agreements, standards and reporting for nature and biodiversity, specifically with the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework1 the release of the TNFD recommendations and the European Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and associated European Sustainability Reporting Standards. We continue to monitor these and other emerging regulatory requirements and look to understand the implications to our business.

Our performance

Our performance

Our operations and growth strategy depends on obtaining and maintaining our licence to operate. Given this, and the growing pressure on our natural environment, the environmental performance and the management of our environmental impacts is critical to the future success of our business.

In 2024, there were a total of six environmental events related to the release of hydrocarbon and hazardous non-hydrocarbon substances greater than 1 barrel (bbl) to the environment. Two were hydrocarbon and four were hazardous non-hydrocarbon. All events, which occurred in Western Australia, were minor and did not reach the threshold to be defined as a ‘Moderate’ impact to the environment.2

The events classified as hazardous non-hydrocarbon contained mostly non-hazardous chemicals as assessed against the Offshore Chemical Notification Scheme (OCNS, UK), however, due to some trace elements present, they were considered hazardous by Woodside under local regulatory approvals. To uphold our commitment to minimising impacts and risks, we have updated and integrated our hydrocarbon spill preparedness and response framework across our global operations and activities. This approach allows us to effectively assess and manage spill risks to the marine environment in alignment with our environmental principles.

In 2024, we developed new oil pollution emergency plans that contributed to regulatory acceptance of 11 environmental approvals across our Australian assets. Additionally, we implemented training and capability-building programs in the regions where we operate. Our collaboration with regional and international industry groups remains a priority, enabling us to proactively address and monitor emerging risks.

Since December 2022, Woodside committed to supporting biodiversity outcomes in the regions in which we operate. Biodiversity positive projects are intended to result in a measurable outcome to a local species, habitat or ecological process. In 2024, we focused on expanding our biodiversity programs in Western Australia. We are undertaking biodiversity assessments and monitoring on several of our carbon origination projects in Western Australia and have commenced implementing additional measures to improve biodiversity outcomes.

We continue to invest in science to support better environmental performance and outcomes. This science may be used to support the baseline or monitoring requirements associated with current and future environmental approvals. In 2024, we specifically focused on the management of underwater noise and artificial light. In addition, we conducted regional studies on key marine habitats and species in Australia’s northwest. These studies included extensive research on nearshore and offshore reefs, as well as on important migratory species such as pygmy blue whales, turtles, and shorebirds. In 2024, 183 scientific articles were published in international journals highlighting the findings of research undertaken by our research partnerships and supported by Woodside.

In 2024, we complied with our Environment and Biodiversity Policy principles which include net zero deforestation across our global business, and our global activities were outside the boundaries of natural sites on the UNESCO World Heritage Areas. In addition, in areas where we operated within International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Protected Areas, our activities were aligned with the existing management plans for those regions. We also finalised our Biodiversity Management Plan Guidance, a key component of our Environment and Biodiversity Policy. In 2024, we contributed to Ipieca’s feedback on the TNFD’s draft Oil and Gas Sector Guidance. We actively participated in the Australian Climate Leaders Coalition (CLC) Nature Working Group in 2024, including the rollout of the NatSTART tool and involvement in a number of CLC Nature Catalyst sessions.4

Environment data table

For more information refer to the environment-related data table.

View data table

Environmental management

Environmental management

We recognise our activities have an environmental footprint and we seek to avoid or minimise adverse environmental impacts to the natural environment in the regions we operate.

Understanding the nature of the environments in which we operate informs our planning and decision-making. An adaptive approach to certain activities such as produced water discharges, allow us to constantly respond to changing operational and environmental conditions so our impacts remain acceptable per our risk framework and as low as reasonably practicable.

With increasing awareness of the impact of business activities on biodiversity, we have engaged further with peers and industry bodies to understand leading approaches to reinforce our biodiversity and broader environmental management.

We do this by adopting a risk based approach that allows us to address the environmental impacts and risks associated with our activities in a consistent manner. It allows us to focus our effort and resources on the most significant risks associated with our activities no matter where we operate.

Woodside recognises that risk is inherent to our business and effectively managing risk is vital to delivering on company objectives, success and continued growth. Woodside is committed to managing our risks proactively and effectively. The objective of Woodside’s risk management system is to provide a consistent process for recognising and managing risks across the business.

Our environmental risk management methodology has been informed by the International Standard ISO 31000 for risk management. This provides a framework to demonstrate that the risks and impacts are continually identified, reduced to a level that is considered as low as reasonably practicable and assessed such that impacts of an activity are at a level we consider to be acceptable. This approach means we can identify potential ways to eliminate or avoid an impact before we consider ways of reducing or minimising it.

We regularly reassess environmental impacts and risks of operations across our portfolio, at the activity level. This provides the opportunity to incorporate new scientific knowledge and improved environmental impact assessment processes and management approaches with the aim of improving environmental outcomes.

To support the risk assessment process and Woodside’s determination of acceptability, our health, safety and environment risk management procedures include the use of a decision support framework based on principles set out in the Guidance on Risk Related Decision Making (Oil and Gas UK 2014). This is to confirm activities do not pose an unacceptable environmental risk per our risk framework. In addition, appropriate focus is placed on activities where the impact or risk is anticipated to be acceptable and demonstrated to be as low as reasonably practicable.

Strong external partnerships with government and non-government organisations to collect and analyse environmental knowledge, underpins our approach to avoiding or minimising our environmental impacts. A key focus of the risk-based process undertaken for environmental impacts is defined under the relevant environmental legislation. This includes consideration of the key values of the environment, such as protected areas, threatened and migratory species, and a component of robust impact assessment is to evaluate activities against the relevant management plans for habitats and species.

Investing in science

Investing in science

Our approach to science enables us to strive for strong environmental performance throughout the entire life cycle of our operations, from exploration and development to production and decommissioning, strengthening our ambition to demonstrate environmental leadership and innovation. Our continued investment in science allows us to proudly collaborate and partner with some of the world’s leading experts and research organisations to understand the environments in which we operate and inform decision-making.

Our commitment to shared scientific understanding of environmental characteristics, including biodiversity in the regions and areas in which we undertake activities, is demonstrated by our numerous partnerships with science-based organisations. The knowledge from these partnership programs supports our ongoing environmental management processes including our impact assessment and improving our management controls to avoid and minimise our environmental impacts. In addition, we support our research partnerships to publish research findings in international peer reviewed scientific journals. In 2024, there were at least eighteen scientific articles in international journals highlighting the findings of research supported by Woodside.

In 2024, our science partnership programs included a range of initiatives but with two clear focus areas; understanding the Ningaloo region in Australia and improving our knowledge base to better manage impacts of underwater noise from our activities. We also continued to support the National Decommissioning Research Initiative, an industry research collaboration to progress decommissioning options for offshore oil and gas infrastructure. This initiative considers a range of environmental studies to assess impacts, risks and benefits of different offshore decommissioning options.

In 2025, Woodside plans to continue to support research that improves our ability to avoid and minimise the impacts of our activities on the environment and biodiversity around us.

Investing in biodiversity

Investing in biodiversity

In December 2024, we revised and published our Environment and Biodiversity Policy. This policy commits Woodside to not undertake new industrial activities within natural World Heritage sites, or within International Union for Conservation of Nature protected areas unless they are compatible with management plans in place for the area. The updated policy highlights the approach that Woodside will take on environmental and biodiversity management moving forward.

The Woodside Environment and Biodiversity Policy objective recognises the intrinsic value of nature and the importance of conserving biodiversity and ecosystem services to support the sustainable development of our society. Under Woodside’s Environment and Biodiversity Policy we have committed to supporting biodiversity positive programs that have measurable biodiversity outcomes in the regions and areas in which we undertake activities. This commitment builds on our ongoing work with organisations and local communities to contribute to positive environmental and social outcomes.

In 2024, we planted approximately 3.2 million biodiverse seedlings in Western Australia as part of our Native Reforestation Project across approximately 4,800 hectares of land at Woodside owned properties. This brings our biodiverse carbon plantings in Australia to a total of approximately 8.9 million biodiverse seedlings planted across approximately 13,000 hectares of land in Western Australia.

Read more about Carbon credits

2024 Science and Biodiversity case studies

2024 Science and Biodiversity case studies

Case Study

Ningaloo Region

The Ningaloo region is recognised as an area of high ecological importance with unique environmental, social and cultural values. The Ningaloo Reef is Australia’s largest fringing coral reef, extending across 280 kilometres of coastline between Exmouth and Carnarvon, Western Australia. This area is a global biodiversity hotspot and was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2011. Exmouth Gulf has increasingly been seen as critical habitat for threatened and migratory whales species (southern right whale and humpback whale), dugongs, migratory shorebirds and a variety of other threatened marine species. Woodside has two offshore assets adjacent to the world heritage area being Ngujima-Yin and Pyrenees Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) facilities.

Ningaloo Outlook – Turtle Education Program, CSIRO. Credit: Violeta J. Brosig from Blue Media Exmouth.

Case Study

Underwater noise and whales

Sound is a critical sensory cue for many marine animals, including whales and increasing levels of anthropogenic noise in the world’s oceans is a known stressor to marine life. Marine animals such as whales use sound to communicate, navigate and detect predators and prey.

©CWR Centre for Whale Research images - MICHELINE JENNER (CWR)

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Previous case studies

Previous case studies

Case Study

Terrebonne biodiversity and resiliency projects

Woodside, in partnership with Resource Environmental Solutions, commenced two restoration projects in 2019, including the Pointe-Aux-Chenes project and the Bayou Terrebonne project in southern Louisiana, which are expected to cumulatively restore approximately 50 to 58 hectares (125-143 acres) of wetlands. Extensive bald cypress tree plantings were undertaken at the Pointe- Aux-Chenes project and within marsh terraces created as part of the Bayou Terrebonne project. These are proven ecological restoration approaches that improve the quality of lands and waters that support human, animal and marine populations, especially along Louisiana’s fragile, eroding coastline.

Case Study

Turtle Village Trust, Trinidad and Tobago

Turtle Village Trust (TVT) is an umbrella organisation representing 21 community turtle conservation groups in Trinidad and Tobago. TVT is actively involved in sea turtle and environmental conservation, climate change adaptation, education and awareness, advocacy, eco-tourism, food security and community development programs. TVT has five priority work areas to achieve its vision of sea turtle conservation by communities, for communities and in communities. One of these work areas is focused on community based turtle conservation, research and data management. Data collection involves annual monitoring of sea turtle nesting activities and hatchling emergence and the data contributes to the Trinidad and Tobago national monitoring program.

Water management

Water management

Access to safe and clean water is a basic human right and essential to maintaining healthy ecosystems. We recognise our responsibility to effectively manage emerging and current risks that have the potential to impact waters, biodiversity, coastlines and communities associated with our offshore and onshore operations.

Fresh water use

Our Burrup facilities (Karratha Gas Plant, Pluto LNG and King Bay Supply Base) prepare and submit Water Efficiency Management Plans (WEMPs) to the Western Australian Water Corporation each year. The annual WEMPs report includes total water use, along with efficiency, by comparing to total business production for the gas plants and total bunkered water from King Bay Supply Base (KBSB) to supply offshore facilities.

Water efficiency actions are set at five-year intervals and reported against each year. These include items such as periodic inspections of water related infrastructure, as well as ongoing identification, maintenance and repair of leaks. The five yearly updates to the WEMPs for our Burrup facilities were completed in 2023.

Information about our fresh water use is available in our environment data table.

Woodside is committed to seek and where feasible, apply innovative techniques in designing its facilities to minimize or eliminate the need for fresh water use during operations of our future new energy projects. One illustration of this is the H2OK facility proposal, which demonstrates a holistic approach to water management. Under the proposal the project would leverage industrial/process wastewater from the City of Ardmore through an under-ground pipeline system. Upon arrival at the facility, the wastewater would undergo a simple water treatment process to meet equipment specifications. Woodside is focusing on improving our water practices, acknowledging the significance and intrinsic value of freshwater as a vital shared resource.

Produced water

Produced water discharge is a planned activity with one of the higher environmental risks arising from Woodside’s offshore production assets. One of the challenges of understanding and managing produced water impacts is the potential for increased environmental impact from changes over time in fluid characteristics such as volume, chemical composition or process chemicals used.

To allow us to better understand and appropriately manage produced water discharges in Australia, Woodside has developed a risk based, adaptive management framework that re- assesses changing conditions. Real time and novel monitoring of key indicators are utilised as part of ongoing compliance verification and triggers an adaptive response. The adaptive framework manages produced water discharges across a range of producing facilities, with varied chemical composition and treatment technologies, through a robust and consistent approach.

Some of Woodside’s offshore assets in Western Australia discharge produced formation water. Regulations permit this under strict conditions. In 2022, Woodside undertook a comprehensive field water quality and sediment monitoring program which has verified compliance against these conditions and demonstrate our operational controls are effective in meeting the environmental performance objectives for discharge of produced water. This provides verification of the effectiveness of the implemented controls over the life of the asset.

Our international operations assets are also required to meet strict regulatory permit conditions for produced water. Due to this requirement, we closely monitor volume and quality of water discharged via our environmental tracking system, thereby giving visibility to the business on our monitoring and reporting activities. This informs and helps the business take proactive measures to mitigate any potential parameters that may exceed its discharge criteria.

Our Trinidad and Tobago assets undertake a comprehensive annual monitoring program that includes an effluent, produced water sediment monitoring and sampling program to demonstrate operational controls are effective in meeting the environmental permits conditions.

Waste management

Waste management

Woodside works to minimise the impact of our waste generation on the environment and in the communities in which we operate.

All waste streams are identified and the expected quantities are determined to ensure we have access to the capability to treat and dispose of these streams in line with our requirements. Waste streams we typically manage for our activities include drilling fluids, general waste, scrap metal, chemicals and plastics.

When identifying the disposal pathway for each waste stream, the waste hierarchy is considered. This prioritises avoidance, reduction, reuse, recycling and treatment over disposal. We identify waste management providers based on their ability to deliver on our waste disposal objectives for each stream. We then audit them to confirm the facility has all required licences, capability and resourcing to manage our waste streams in accordance with relevant legislation and our internal environmental requirements.

Hazardous wastes and recyclable wastes are segregated on site to support the waste disposal hierarchy and minimise the risk of hazardous substances exposure to personnel and the environment. Designated waste storage areas are set up with appropriate containers to segregate the waste.

Routine inspections and health, safety and environment observation cards are used to facilitate identification of opportunities for improvement in waste segregation. The transfer and disposal process of each waste stream is also audited so that waste can be traced from source through to final disposal method, and that wastes are managed in line with our requirements.

Exploring other opportunities such as waste reduction and substitution of hazardous chemicals with those that have lesser impact on the environment is part of our approach.

The waste management approach is captured in waste management plans, which are in place for all developments and operational assets.

Waste performance is monitored through assurance activities at all points along the waste management process. Inspections at our facilities are conducted to ensure hazardous wastes are properly segregated and incidents are raised where nonconformances are identified. We also track waste performance through monitoring waste data for each facility.

Our waste performance data tracks waste volumes by stream (hazardous, non hazardous, recyclable, non recyclables) and by waste disposal outcome (e.g. recycled, incineration, evaporation, landfill).

We have identified opportunities for consideration for future waste management practices across our activities. These considerations include:

  • Set waste targets consistently across operations
  • Identify hazardous waste generation activities during the planning process
  • Identify additional recycling opportunities for general trash items
  • Engage vendors periodically to foster relationships and identify program improvement opportunities

Improving waste segregation in Trinidad and Tobago is a main area of focus, as there is still comingling of waste and/or contamination of recyclable waste (e.g. with food) resulting in waste being disposed of in landfill.

Waste management case study

Case Study

Developing waste management capability in Senegal

The Sangomar Project team recognised the challenges associated with managing waste in Senegal and so aimed to divert waste from the local landfill by developing local waste management capacity.

Woodside contracted a local waste management company, SEPCO Industries, to build a waste facility in Senegal’s capital city, Dakar, and dispose of waste from the Sangomar construction phase. The facility now includes designated waste storage areas, a high temperature incinerator, a water treatment plant, and waste shredders. SEPCO also refurbished a glass crusher, setting them up as one of the only glass recyclers in Dakar.

Waste treatment facility in Dakar, Senegal

Burrup Air Monitoring Program

Burrup Air Monitoring Program

The Burrup Peninsula (Murujuga) is unique worldwide for its collection of petroglyphs, engravings that have been etched, rubbed or scratched into the rocks. The presence of industry on the Burrup Peninsula has generated concerns from some stakeholders that associated emissions may lead to an accelerated weathering or deterioration of rock art.

In 2021, Woodside commenced operation of four atmospheric deposition monitoring stations on Murujuga and one control location. The stations were continually operated since 2022 and monitored for parameters that may potentially accelerate weathering of rock art, including acid depositions. This monitoring supplements an extensive dataset collected at the time of Pluto LNG construction and commissioning between 2008-2013. While there are currently no set air quality thresholds for the protection of rock art, this monitoring data set will contribute to the ongoing knowledge regarding a possible relationship between industrial emissions and cultural heritage.

Outcomes of this air monitoring program directly support the Murujuga Rock Art Strategy and the Murujuga Rock Art Monitoring Program, run by the Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation and Western Australian Department of Water and Environmental Regulation.

For further information a summary of air monitoring data is available here.

