2024 reduction
Woodside's climate strategy is integrated throughout our company strategy.
Design Out These are engineering changes which avoid emissions in the design of new facilities prior to construction. Estimated potential for ~15 Mt CO2-e cumulative to 2050 at Trion, Pluto Train 2 and Scarborough.
Asset Level Plans Opportunities costing less than US$80/t and select large scale abatement opportunities are being progressed at existing operating assets. Estimated potential for ~13 Mt CO2-e cumulative to 2050 at current portfolio of operating assets.
Carbon credit portfolio Originating and acquiring a carbon credit portfolio which includes an assessment of integrity.
Transition case Incorporation of climate-related considerations in the business case for new investments.
Support customers and suppliers To reduce their emissions.
Woodside’s aspiration to thrive through the energy transition with a low-cost and lower-carbon, profitable, resilient and diversified portfolio.11
Net equity Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions reduction target13
For more information on emissions performance against industry benchmarks
see the Climate Update.
Net equity Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions13