Domestic gas supplied to Western Australia

Woodside is a significant supplier of domestic gas in WA

  • 3863 petajoules

    Domestic gas supplied to Western Australia since 1984


Woodside doesn’t provide its fair share of domestic gas.


The Western Australian Government has a policy in place to support local gas supply, known as the Domestic Gas (Domgas) Policy. Woodside continues to meet its obligations and act in the spirit of that policy.

Between 1984 and 2023, Woodside had supplied 3863 petajoules of domestic gas to Western Australia.1 That's the equivalent of providing the energy used by 73,397,000 homes for an entire year year.2 

In its 40 years of operation, Woodside has supplied to the Western Australian market the equivalent of 37% of the company’s LNG export volumes. Before the Domgas policy was formalised and until 2017, Woodside supplied domestic gas equivalent to approximately 50% of LNG export volumes from the North West Shelf Project.

Woodside has been supplying reliable, competitively priced domestic gas to Western Australia since 1984 and will continue to do so.

The Domgas Policy requires exporters of LNG from Western Australia to withhold from their total export volume a minimum of 15% for domestic supply. The policy was formalised in October 20063 and sets out three pillars:

  1. Reserving domestic gas equivalent to 15% of LNG production from each LNG export project.
  2. Developing and obtaining access to the necessary infrastructure (including a domestic gas plant, associated facilities and offshore pipelines) to meet domestic gas commitments.
  3. Showing diligence and good faith in marketing gas to existing and prospective consumers.

The policy states it will be applied flexibly by the State Government. Woodside supports the Western Australian Government maintaining flexibility to apply the policy in a way that recognises the specific circumstances of particular projects and the needs of the state.

In Woodside’s own capacity and not as operator of a joint venture.



Additional Facts

LNG exports
Gas shortages
North West Shelf (NWS) Project Extension