Teach for Australia partnership
Empowering communities in the Pilbara and West Kimberley with outstanding teachers, leaders and mentors.
This year Woodside is excited to enter a new partnership with Teach For Australia (TFA) to help empower communities in the Pilbara and West Kimberley with outstanding teachers, leaders and mentors through TFA’s Leadership Development Program.
Woodside CEO Peter Coleman said the partnership with Teach for Australia builds on a decade of investment in academic opportunities for secondary students in the Pilbara. “Educational leaders told us that building school capacity was important for student outcomes, and Teach For Australia is tenacious in pursuit of that goal. We are proud to be part of this program that supports the development of students and the teachers that lead and inspire them,” he said.
All Leadership Development Program participants are university graduates at a minimum, and teach their previous area of study at secondary schools serving low socio-economic communities, all filling existing teaching vacancies. Associates complete their Masters of Teaching in partnership with the Australian Catholic University while working in their placement school. They benefit from ongoing leadership training throughout their first two years from a dedicated leadership coach, school mentor and academic support to ensure that they are equipped with the foundational skills needed to empower their students towards improved academic outcomes.
The program is highly valued as a pipeline for new teachers into the education system, and as a way for exceptional individuals to share their knowledge, passion and drive with those who can benefit from it the most.
This partnership will help enable people such as Kerry Veitch
“Throughout my
For more information visit the Teach for Australia website here.