Indigenous 08 Dec 2023

Local business spotlight: NYFL-Tutt Bryant

The Scarborough Energy Project located in the North West of Australia is set to provide a significant boost to the local Karratha economy.

For a project like Woodside’s Scarborough Energy Project, which has committed more than A$90 million to Karratha businesses, having local suppliers and contractors working on the project is integral to the success of the project and to working within our local community.

The expansion of the Pluto LNG facility located on the Burrup Peninsula, near Karratha, WA is set to process approximately five million tonnes per annum of Scarborough gas through Pluto Train 2. Currently under construction, Pluto Train 2 is providing various opportunities for local businesses in Karratha.  

NYFL-Tutt Bryant was awarded a contract for work on the Pluto Train 2 Project earlier this year by our construction partner Bechtel. NYFL-Tutt Bryant, a Ngarluma Yindjibarndi Foundation’s Equipment Services business is supplying crawler cranes as part of the construction phase of Pluto Train 2 at the existing Pluto LNG site.  

NFYL-Tutt Bryant will provide eight, 200-300 tonne crawler cranes to the Pluto Train 2 construction site in Karratha. The contract will see NYFL-Tutt Bryant employees based at their Gap Ridge, Karratha facility working alongside Bechtel and Woodside employees in support of the overall Scarborough Energy Project. 

NYFL-Tutt Bryant Chairman and Traditional Owner leader, Kevin Guiness, who grew up in Ieramugadu (Roebourne) said contracts like the crawler crane package is a small leap to what we expect to be a giant step into Woodside’s commitments to First Nations businesses. Contracts like this can help NYFL support Aboriginal people across the region.  

 “As a Traditional Owner organisation, our core focus is on supporting Ngarda-ngarli [Traditional Owner] people and the Ieramugadu (Roebourne) community.  

“Our business model is to deliver excellent equipment services to our industry partners, which allows us to maximise the support we can provide to our community,” said Mr Guiness

Pluto Train 2 Project Manager Tom Feutrill said Woodside has focused on ensuring local organisations benefit from working on the Project.  

“It is integral for Woodside that procurement and employment opportunities on the Scarborough Energy Project are available to the local community.” 

“Bechtel have been exceptional at this, partnering with more than 60 local Karratha businesses on the Pluto Train 2 Project already.” 

As well as providing commercial opportunities to local businesses, the construction of Pluto Train 2 is expected to generate more than 3,000 construction phase jobs. (Source: ACIL Allen 2019) 

Over the life of the project, the Scarborough Energy Project is expected to pay over $19 billion in direct Australian taxes supporting the essential services Australians rely on including hospitals and schools. (Source: ACIL Allen 2019) 

You can find out more about NYFL-Tutt Bryant here.  

Information on contracting opportunities on the Scarborough Energy Project are available here.  

To read more about the taxes Woodside pay, click here. 

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  • Scarborough News