Hydrogen: a future fuel
As a producer of natural gas, Woodside is well positioned to prepare for a future in which hydrogen may play a growing role in the energy mix.
As a producer of natural gas, Woodside is well positioned to prepare for a future in which hydrogen may play a growing role in the energy mix.
Woodside is watching developments in hydrogen power closely and talking to researchers and other stakeholders. It’s a natural step as customers demand energy that is transportable and does not release carbon.
Existing technology, known as steam methane reforming, allows for the economic conversion of methane (CH4) into hydrogen (H2). The process can be combined with carbon capture or carbon offset to ensure a carbon-neutral energy source (H2) is produced from methane. We are also monitoring the development of another technology, electrolysis of water to separate hydrogen from oxygen, as it becomes economically viable.
In June 2018, Woodside signed non-binding memoranda of understanding with Korea Gas Corporation to cooperate on hydrogen opportunities, and with Pusan National University in South Korea to jointly explore technology applications across the hydrogen value chain.
We already produce large amounts of natural gas and are expert at liquefying it and transporting it to customers. This gas carries more hydrogen by weight than any other carrier, excluding liquid hydrogen.
Some of the markets Woodside has long supplied with gas, in Japan and Korea, are interested in the potential for hydrogen power, so we may end up supplying old customers with energy in new ways.